Monday, October 1, 2012

Free at last!

Rachael was discharged today!  Now she begins the task of resting up and getting better for her long flight home.  She was able to walk more than I thought she should and her appetite was great (the food here is delicious which helps I am sure).  She had some nice outdoors which healed her body and her spirits.  As for me, it was a day of waiting and phone calls and trying to get all the pieces together from two different continents and no one communicating with each other.  We were hoping she would fly home tomorrow and really, there is no reason why she shouldn't. But the insurance company is insisting on even more paperwork and the docs are balking.  I find it much easier to be patient in Atiak where there is quiet and life just is.  In the city here I expect everything to function efficiently.  This is my lesson of the day, patience.  In the meantime I am enjoying this day with Rachael and soaking up every moment I can with her.

Rachael in her happy to be discharged face and drummer pants.  And her new Kenyan shirt that says "Everything is Alright" in Swahili.

Getting some fresh air and sunshine - healing on all levels

And surprise of all surprises, I don't think I did anything today that would embarrass my family.  Maybe a first for me.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog! I am Kelly and I will be joining you in Uganda very soon... Beginning of December..Im so excited, its a dream come true.
