Thank you to all the people: family, friends, and even strangers who have offered their support as I embark on this remarkable journey. I am astounded at the generosity of this community near and far.
As I reflect on the last 5 short weeks and how easily it has come together with such short notice, I am convinced this venture is necessary and will lead me further on this path which is my life. I only hope I am worthy of the task ahead and can serve humbly and with enough skill to make a positive difference.
I have often hesitated and questioned the wisdom of doing this, especially with regards to my own health. It is daunting to go so far away when in the safety and comfort of my own home it can be difficult and frightening when I fall ill so violently and quickly. I have a strict regime in place that will help, good medication, and faith that this is where I am supposed to be so therefore it will be fine. To some this may sound naive, but I believe we all have a purpose and this is part of mine - I have no doubt in this regard. I go forward knowing that with my own good judgement and skills I will be protected. For those who are worried about me, I hope this allays some of your fears. If not, continue to send your blessings - to me and the families I will serve, and that should make a difference too.
I have named the site Midwife Pilgrim and it seems appropriate. I am a midwife first, pilgrim second on this journey. But in many ways it is the other way around. I am traveling, searching for the sacred, finding my home which is always within oneself. Quoting one of the early pilgrims: "But now we are all in all places strangers and pilgrims, travelers and sojourners, most properly, having no dwelling but in this earthen tabernacle; our dwelling is but a wandering, and our abiding but as a fleeting, and in a word our home is nowhere, but in the heavens." ~ Robert Cushman
I will try to post regularly but have no idea how the internet situation is. Something about 3G and cell phone something or another and little thingys you plug into your computer and very slow if it works at all. If I can't log on and post I will still write often and post everything when I return.
I have almost completed packing (photo of my huge bags to come soon!), and if I can just relax and try not to think of the zillion little things that can still be done, I will be alright.
Excited to follow your journey! :-)